Teething is the process by which babies obtain their teeth. Most babies are born without any teeth because they do not need them at birth or for a long period of time after because they will eat via breastfeeding for the first several months of their lives. After about six to twelve months, your baby will begin to develop baby teeth. These teeth are important for helping your baby begin to chew solid foods and enunciate words. Teething is a very important part of your baby’s development. Continue reading to learn more about teething.
Important Things To Know About Teething
Your Baby’s Mood Will Change
The first thing that you need to know about teething is that when your baby is beginning to get their teeth, they will likely be very cranky. Even the happiest of babies can become irritable and cry more often when they are teething. And this makes sense because teething is likely a very painful and frustrating experience for a baby, who can’t express their feelings in any other way than through tears and irritability. Your baby’s mood will likely change the most for a couple of weeks before their first tooth comes in. There are many things that you can do to help soothe your baby’s pain including gently rubbing their gums, using cooling agents, and using over-the-counter medication.

There Are Common Symptoms That Accompany Teething
Clearly, a little white tooth coming through your gums is a pretty good indication that your baby’s teeth are coming in. However, there are other symptoms that your baby could display that are important to be on the lookout for, especially before their first tooth comes in. As previously mentioned, irritability and fussiness are common symptoms of teething. Some other common symptoms that your baby might experience include trouble sleeping, loss of appetite, and excess drool.
Certain Teethers Aren’t Safe For Your Baby
When your baby is in a lot of pain, you as a parent would likely go to far lengths to help give them relief. Teethers were created to help give babies a way to soothe their gums and their emotions but they’re not always safe depending on the material that they are made out of. Try finding teethers that are made of silicon or rubber and avoid teethers that have liquid inside or hard objects that could cause an injury to your baby’s mouth.
Even One Tooth Needs To Be Cleaned
Another important thing that parents need to know about their baby’s teeth is that even one tooth needs to be cleaned. Using fluoride and toothpaste every day is important for your baby’s new teeth. We recommend taking a very small amount of toothpaste (the size of a grain of rice) and brushing your baby’s teeth twice a day in the morning and at night. Continue the teeth cleaning process going forward as your baby continues to have more and more of their teeth come in.

Do You Or Your Family Require Dental Care?
If you or your family are in need of quality dental services, look no further than our team at Mills River Family Dental. We offer excellent oral health services that range from general dentistry to root canals to oral surgery. We can handle any of your everyday dental issues including bad breath, sore gums, tooth pain, and cosmetic dental problems.
Our team is talented, experienced, and knowledgeable about oral healthcare and can help you with any potential dental issues that you might have. With this experience, they’re ready to help you through any dental problems or routine visits. Feel free to reach out to us at Mills River Family Dental for more information.
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