Water flossing is commonly marketed as an alternative to traditional flossing. This kind of flossing is a method that uses a handheld device that emits a steady stream of water to remove plaque from the teeth. It helps remove food particles and plaque from your mouth, even below the gumline. This can help reduce the likelihood of developing gum disease and tooth decay.
Benefits of Water Flossing
Water flossing can help remove extra food particles and plaque from your teeth. It can reduce the risk of gingivitis and other oral-based diseases. Water flossing is extremely useful for people with limited dexterity or difficult to reach places. These places can be caused by braces or other orthodontic devices. Braces can make it hard to reach places underneath them, which is where water flossing comes in handy.
Water Flossing vs Traditional Flossing
Water flossing goes a long way toward removing particles from your teeth. However, traditional flossing is still the more effective flossing method. It is more capable of removing food particles from between your teeth. A water flossing device can be used in conjunction with typical flossing, but it is not usually used to completely replace it.
Water flossing is ideal for those who don’t floss regularly, those with limited dexterity, and those with braces. Though it isn’t supposed to be a replacement, it is certainly more beneficial than not flossing at all. Flossing daily is important in keeping your smile healthy!
The best way to keep your smile healthy is through proper oral hygiene. It is necessary to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss once. Water flossing can definitely help prevent gingivitis, but traditional flossing is still important. To learn more about the ideal oral hygiene practices for you, contact us at Mills River Family Dental today!
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